Navigating 2024: 12 Steps to Success & Transformation

Anne Pryor, M.A.
9 min readDec 10, 2023

I am thinking about 2024 and what I desire to learn, accomplish, and share. I am in the transformative journey of a 7-numerology year! The 7-year is often associated with introspection, spiritual growth, and analysis. To harness the full potential of this energy for personal growth, business, relationship, health, and spiritual success, I present to you my comprehensive 12-step guide, loaded with tools, resources, and templates to guide your success.


1. Self-Reflection (Month 1):

Take the time to reflect on your goals and desires. Assess your strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas of your life that need attention.

2. Set Clear Intentions (Month 2):

Define specific, achievable goals aligned with your values. Write down your intentions and keep them visible for daily inspiration.

3. Mindfulness and Meditation (Month 3):

Establish a daily mindfulness or meditation practice to cultivate inner peace, mental clarity, and self-discovery.

4. Educational Pursuits (Month 4):

Focus on learning and expanding your knowledge. Attend workshops or courses that align with your goals for personal development.

5. Analysis and Planning (Month 5):

Evaluate your current strategies, identify what’s working, and plan for the next steps in your personal and professional life.

6. Networking and Connections (Month 6):

Strengthen existing relationships, seek out new connections, and collaborate with like-minded individuals for mutual growth.

7. Embrace Solitude (Month 7):

Spend time alone to connect with your inner self, evaluate your spiritual beliefs, and embrace solitude as a source of strength and insight.

8. Release and Let Go (Month 8):

Identify and release old habits or beliefs that no longer serve you. Make room for new opportunities by decluttering your physical and mental space.

9. Creative Expression (Month 9):

Engage in creative activities that bring you joy. Tap into your creative potential for problem-solving and self-expression.

10. Evaluate Progress (Month 10):

Review your progress toward your goals, celebrate achievements, and adjust your plans if needed, staying flexible and adaptive.

11. Gratitude Practice (Month 11):

Cultivate gratitude for the experiences and people in your life. Reflect on the positive aspects of your journey for increased spiritual well-being.

12. Integration and Renewal (Month 12):

Integrate your learnings into your daily life, renew your commitment to growth, and prepare for the upcoming year with a sense of purpose and clarity.

Remember, these steps are a guideline. Now, let’s align these steps with specific, achievable goals in personal growth, business, spiritual, career, and relationships.


I am developing goals in 5 areas of my life including following the Fung Shui model: business, spiritual, career, and relationship. I invite you to create your own goals using my template.


Goal: Increase productivity by implementing time management strategies.

  • Identify time-wasting activities and create a plan to minimize them.
  • Prioritize tasks using the Eisenhower matrix.
  • Set specific, achievable daily and weekly targets.
  • Delegate tasks when appropriate to focus on high-priority activities.
  • Regularly evaluate and adjust the time management plan.


Goal: Establish a daily spiritual practice for increased inner peace.

  • Choose a spiritual practice (e.g., prayer, meditation, yoga).
  • Set aside a specific time each day for spiritual reflection.
  • Create a sacred space for your practice.
  • Explore and incorporate teachings from spiritual texts or mentors.
  • Join a spiritual community or group for support.
  • Develop a consistent mindfulness practice to enhance mental well-being.
  • Dedicate 10 minutes daily to meditation or deep breathing exercises.
  • Keep a journal to track thoughts and emotions.
  • Attend a mindfulness workshop or class for deeper understanding.
  • Practice self-compassion and positive affirmations.
  • Reflect on personal growth achievements regularly.


Goal: Enhance professional skills by completing a relevant certification.

  • Identify a certification program aligned with career goals.
  • Create a study schedule to balance work and learning.
  • Seek mentorship or guidance from professionals.
  • Engage in practical applications of newly acquired skills at work.
  • Celebrate the achievement of obtaining the certification.


Goal: Strengthen communication in relationships by practicing active listening.

  • Practice being fully present during conversations.
  • Use reflective listening techniques to show understanding.
  • Limit distractions during important discussions.
  • Schedule regular check-ins to discuss feelings and concerns.
  • Seek feedback on communication skills and make adjustments.

Strengths and Weaknesses: assess current strengths and weaknesses that I desire to work on based on the goals.

Strengths Examples:

  1. Effective Communication
  2. Time Management
  3. Adaptability
  4. Problem-Solving
  5. Empathy

Weaknesses Examples:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Public Speaking Anxiety
  3. Difficulty Delegating
  4. Lack of Technical Skills
  5. Struggle with Constructive Criticism

Remember, identifying strengths and weaknesses is the first step. Now, create actionable plans for improvement through self-reflection and commitment to personal development.

Aligning Goals with Intentions:

  1. Intention: Enhancing Well-Being Goal: Engage in regular physical activity for improved health.
  2. Intention: Career Advancement Goal: Acquire a new skill relevant to your career.
  3. Intention: Deepening Relationships Goal: Spend quality time with loved ones.
  4. Intention: Personal Growth Goal: Cultivate a mindfulness practice.
  5. Intention: Financial Stability Goal: Save for a specific financial milestone.

By aligning goals with intentions, your actions become purposeful and in harmony with your deeper aspirations. Regularly reassess and adjust your goals to stay on the path of meaningful personal development.

Gratitude-Filled Intentions:

Express gratitude for success, business growth, relationships, health, and spirituality in positive, affirming statements. I always say an intention in the present tense, stating that it has already come to be. Aligning goals with intentions is crucial for ensuring that your actions are purposeful and in harmony with your deeper aspirations. Here are five examples of how to align specific goals with broader intentions

Intention: Enhancing Well-Being

  1. Goal: Engage in regular physical activity for improved health.
  2. Alignment: I am healthy, sexy, and powerful, I choose a fitness goal that aligns with your intention, such as running three times a week, practicing yoga, or joining a sports team.Intention: Career Advancement
  3. Goal: Acquire a new skill relevant to your career.
  4. Alignment: I am learning and growing. I Identify specific skills (e.g., programming language, project management) that align with my career goals, and set a goal to complete a related certification or training course.
  5. Intention: Deepening Relationships
  6. Goal: Spend quality time with loved ones.
  7. Alignment: I am in loving, caring, and growing relationships. I set a goal to have regular family dinners, schedule date nights with a partner, or plan outings with friends to strengthen connections and create lasting memories.Intention: Personal Growth
  8. Goal: Cultivate a mindfulness practice.
  9. Alignment: I am grounded, living by my intuition. I meditate for a specific duration each day, attend a mindfulness retreat, or integrate mindfulness into daily activities to foster personal growth and self-awareness.Intention: Financial Stability
  10. Goal: Save for a specific financial milestone.
  11. Alignment: I am successful, I have more money than I can ever spend in this human lifetime and I share it with others. I am attracting jobs and clients that I love and can thrive, learn, and share. My savings goal is X, and I have built an emergency fund or saving for a major purchase, and I have created a budget to align my spending habits with my intention for financial stability.Goal Progress Evaluation and Measurement Template:[Use the provided template to evaluate and reflect on your progress toward your goals. Found in the Featured section of Anne Pryor’s LinkedIn profile.]

In each example, the goal is directly linked to a broader intention, creating a cohesive and purpose-driven approach to personal development. When setting goals, ask yourself how each goal contributes to your overarching intentions and values. This alignment helps ensure that your actions are meaningful and in line with your deeper aspirations. Regularly reassessing and adjusting your goals in alignment with your intentions is also essential for continued growth and fulfillment.

Remember, this journey is unique to you. Embrace the process, stay open-minded, and adapt these steps to suit your circumstances. Wishing you a transformative and successful 2024!

With Love and Gratitude,


P.S. Figure out your numerology year. Add your date and year of birth and 2024 together to find out the year: Jan (1), 10, 2024 = 10 = 1 year. Contact Wes Hamilton for more information about numerology.

The views in these newsletters are from my own experiences and learnings and are focused on practical insights and actional tips for creating meaning and purpose in work and life.

Anne Pryor is the creator of Lovitude™ a Soul Painter, and a LinkedIn Expert. She helps people to not feel embarrassed online and in person. Known as the LinkedIn Whisperer, she is a recognized top international LinkedIn Strategist, she motivates audiences to action by sharing the best tips and techniques for creating branded and search-engine-optimized LinkedIn profiles for thought leaders, sales, business professionals, and job seekers to achieve their goals.

Anne is a LinkedIn Keynote speaker her presentations include the National Association of Black Journalists, Project Management Institute, WBL, American Marketing Association, ACG, University of South Florida Black Students Association, Toyota Sponsored NABJ Inaugural Leadership Forum, GenesysWorks, Mayo Clinic, WLiT, Officenters, and hundreds of corporate, community, government events, and meetings.

As the creator of Lovitude and a Soul Painter, her paintings have been called ‘visual blessings and are hanging in Mayo Clinic, a Pulitzer Prize Winner’s home, in galleries, licensed on products sold globally, and currently in Lund’s Byerlys in Minnesota. She was a featured guest on the Hallmark Channel Home & Family Show, a keynote speaker and faculty on The Shift Network, and a presenter at the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS). She has presented at Mayo Clinic, Cargill, and HGM CIO Forums, for corporate events, and demonstrates both online and in-person meetings.

She also motivates audiences through her co-created course with Risë Severson Kasmirski, award-winning author of “When Paradise Speaks, called “Unblocking Creativity for Healing, and Real-World Transformation with Help from Unseen Helpers” (sign up for this online course by clicking the link). She was inspired through after-death communications (ADC) with her friend to create vivid images to elucidate, awaken, and activate souls using ink, her breath, and essential oils, on plastic. Anne was not an artist before these messages, she now has more than 7,000 soul paintings, which may be purchased at Everett & Charlie Gallery in Minneapolis. During her keynote speeches and presentations, she paints live for audiences and they are moved and in awe by the colorful and meaningful messages that she receives from the audience’s energy. She and Risë also provide a coaching program called Awakening Spirit. Lovitude images are available for licensing. Images grace products sold globally and proceeds go to charity.


When Paradise Speaks Book about Lovitude

Anne Pryor Lovitude Soul Painter on Hallmark Channel

Enough IS Enough with Echo Bodine, Anne Pryor, and Rise Kasmirski

Lovitude Products from Zazzle

Book Video Trailer

Beyond the Veil Summit

Video The Edge Magazine

License Lovitude Images

Buy Lovitude Products at Zazzle

Buy Lovitude Products at Vida

Order Best Selling Story When Paradise Speaks by Rise Severson Kasmirski

Cool Meditation Tool — N.O.W. by Solu


Anne Pryor LinkedIn Profile

Anne Pryor Keynote Speaker Bio

Free Lovitude LinkedIn Backgrounds


The highlighted areas of the text are links to authors, videos, books, and resources. In addition, here is a list of resources that I call upon to guide and advise me, I personally know and have used these experts, so I can recommend them in good faith:

Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist, Speaker

List of Books compiled by Bill Guggenheim, Anne Pryor, and Risë Kasmirski

Rise Severson Kasmirski, M.A., Mystic, Author, Teacher, Certified Coach, Speaker

Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude Soul Painting, Teacher, LinkedIn Expert, Speaker

Echo Bodine, Global Author, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker

Carol Lowell, Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Healer

Nikki Bodine, Renowned Psychic Medium

Ainslie McCleod, Past Life Regression Expert, Author, Artist

Lori Palm, Creator Core Passion, Purpose Coach

Gina Lake, Author, Channel for Jesus

Cyndi Dale, Author, Intuitive, Healer, Global Shift Network Faculty

Suzanne Giesemann, Evidential Medium, Master Teacher

Kelly and Steve Wagner, Publishers of The Edge Magazine

Carolyn Vinup, Gateways to Brilliance, Fung Shui Teacher, Sound Healer

Catherine Duncan, Integrative Spiritual Consultant

Carole Hyder, Fung Shui Master

Louise Griffith, Author, Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Coach

#afterdeathcommunications #soulwork #thanks #lightworker

Disclaimer: This newsletter is for informational purposes only and the resources and tips are not intended to provide professional therapy advice. Please consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions based on the information provided.



Anne Pryor, M.A.

LinkedIn Expert, Branding Strategist, Lovitude Soul Painter, Portfolio Careerist, Speaker. I believe we are all connected and here to do good.