Real-Life Ghosts Stories Taught Me About Life & Forgiveness

Anne Pryor, M.A.
10 min readJun 12, 2022
Spilled Coffee by Anne Pryor Lovitude Soul Painter

The views in these newsletters are from my own experiences and learnings and are focused on practical insights and actional tips for creating meaning and purpose in work & life.

I have experienced many unexplainable phenomena that you may or may not resonate with, yet. Some concepts will be very new and seem unusual to you.

If you are reading this you have been called to do so. If you keep reading then you are on your path and desire to experience more.

Take what resonates and leave the rest. No need to judge, just be with the words. They may trigger experiences for you. Enjoy the journey.

I believe in ghosts

I have seen and felt three different ghosts in the past two years that have taught me profound lessons on living, loving, relationships, reassurance, ego, and forgiveness. I have gained new insights and gifts since I have been on a personal development journey. One new gift is the ability to experience, feel, see, and sense energy, and spirits both on earth and beyond. This has manifested in my Lovitude Soul Paintings and my coaching.

What is a Ghost?

A ghost is a soul (see Newsletter) that has not crossed over to another dimension when a physical body dies. The ghost could be an animal or a person and they may appear in the form of a whisp of energy, a physical body, a cool breeze, or other forms.

Ghosts Are Not Scary

They are not here to harm us. Some ghosts don’t want to be seen and some want to share a message. They may be mischievous. What I have come to know is that ghosts are often afraid to cross over to the ‘other side’ because of fear and unfinished business with people on the earth plane.

Ghosts have Unfinished Business

Real-Life Story 1: Marian the bigot

Marian died in a nursing home in 2002 at 90 years. She didn’t have family and people didn’t come to visit her. My friend Terry’s Mom was in the same nursing home and weekly Terry would visit her dear Mom and greet Marian. Terry’s Mom and Marian died around the same time in 2002.

In 2021, Terry put her home up for sale in a suburb of Minneapolis. The house was a lovely updated 4-bedroom rambler. The house had more than 66 showings over 88 days. All other houses in that suburb had sold within a week. People would view the home and leave nice comments, but the realtor couldn’t put her finger on what was off.

I would bring a bouquet of flowers to Terry’s home before the showings however; I always felt cool energy in the dining room area of the home.

One day prior to a showing I brought a bouquet of red roses and was planning to place it on the dining room table. As I approached the table, I felt a sense of and heard a message ‘don’t come closer. I was a bit taken back, but, moved out of the dining room and placed the bouquet on a coffee table in the living room instead.

After weeks of frustration about no offers, I suggested to Terry that I would like to hire a ‘Medium’, a human with gifts to talk to and gain insights and messages from ghosts or spirits.

As the Medium approached the home and open the front door she was immediately ‘greeted’ by an energy called Mariam, who said she was not leaving the house and didn’t want Terry and her family to leave.

Mariam’s Back Story

Mariam told the Medium that she lived at the nursing home when Terry would come to visit her mother. She appreciated the kindness that Terry showed her mother and her.

She admitted to the Medium that she was not a good person during her life. She called herself a ‘bigot’, judgmental and unkind. She said that after she ‘died’, she was afraid for her soul to ‘cross over to the light’ so instead she came to live with Terry in her dining room, for 9 years.

That’s why I felt the heavy energy in the dining room. That’s why the house wasn’t selling, as she sent out unfriendly energy to the people viewing the home.

Forgiveness and Reassurance

Mariam needed to be reassured that she was forgiven, that it was safe for her to cross over, and that she would be free on the other side to help other people to learn from her lessons.

So, the Medium and I prayed for her. The Medium called in Marian’s friends from her youth, that had previously crossed over and they told her that they loved her and that she was forgiven. After 60-minutes of coaching Mariam’s soul crossed over.

Put the Flowers on the Dining Room Table

Just before she left, she told the Medium to tell me to go ahead and place the bouquet of red roses on the dining room table. (By the way, red roses have the highest energy of any flower, so if you want to clear energy or bring in good energy get red roses.)

The House Sold

Within three weeks of the crossing over Mariam Terry’s house was sold to a family.

Real-Life Ghost Story 2 — Lee Died of an Accidental Overdose

Lee died of a drug overdose in 2017. It was an accident. He didn’t mean to. His family thought it was a suicide. Lee was the friend of a neighbor of my parents. My parents didn’t know him.

When he died his soul was afraid to cross over because he said that he thought his dad would be angry with him. His dad had passed over some years previously. So, Lee’s soul wanted to find a safe house to hang out in. So, the ghost of Lee ended up in my parent’s home.

In 2019, I began visiting my parents in their home weekly, during the pandemic. They live two hours from me.

Strange Things in the Happening in the Home

Odd things were happening in their home. Mom would find $50 bills in strange places, books and papers would be moved around, and she saw what she described as an energy moving around the upstairs area.

Each time I would visit there would be a yellow candle from the fireplace sconce on the living room floor. I asked Mom how this candle fell. She didn’t know. I would pick it up and screw it very tightly back into the sconce. This happened about 20 times over the course of nine months.

I had a feeling of heavy energy and a sense that there was a ghost in the house. So, I called my Medium friend. She drove out from the Twin Cities and as she approached the home, she was greeted by a ghost called Lee.

Lee’s Back Story

Lee shared with the Medium that he died of an accidental drug overdose and that he was afraid for his soul to cross over because he thought that his dad would be so disappointed in him. He had chosen to live in my parent’s home because they were loving people that wouldn’t give him any trouble.

As the Medium talked to Lee, he said that he wouldn’t cross over until he talked to Robin Williams. As you may know that Robin Williams died of suicide and Lee wanted insight from Robin about crossing over and not being judged for dying of suicide.

As unusual as this may sound, the Medium told me that Robin Williams had ‘popped’ in her car all the way from the Twin Cities and was conversing with her.

Forgiveness and Reassurance

Robin spoke to Lee and asked Lee what he needed to cross over. Lee said he needed to know that his dad was going to forgive him. Just at that moment, the Medium said that Lee’s dad came from above and swept Lee up and told him how much he loved him and that he had been waiting for this day to bring Lee to heaven.

As Lee’s soul left the Medium could see the light fill the room and both souls go into the light. (The Medium shared that Robin Williams is helping many people who died of suicide to cross over)

No more candles on the floor

From that day on the yellow candle never fell from the sconce in the living room, no more $50 bills were found, books stayed in their places and the energy in the home felt lighter.

Real-Life Ghost Story 3: Shirley’s Ego

In my home, I felt a heavy energy presence. Something was off, I had a feeling of being watched. Someone would turn on and off my TV. I often felt off, sad, or grumpy. An area of my porch would often feel either warmer or cooler than other parts of the room. I had a sense that there was an energy/ghost in my house.

I called my Medium friend and as she was getting her coffee prior to coming to my home she spilled her coffee. Which was strange, as that had never happened before.

As she approached my front door she was greeted by a ghost of a man and a female spirit.

The male ghost was a neighbor who had died but didn’t want to leave the neighborhood. The spirit (a soul who has crossed over and has come back to help) was a relative who was not kind to me in her lifetime.

The male ghost had been hanging around my home and bouncing back and forth to his previous home, three doors down. He said he was watching over the neighborhood and was not going to leave.

After the Medium called in his wife and other relatives that had crossed over, he did go to the light. I took about two hours of praying and coaching and reassuring him that he would be okay and all would be well here on earth without him.

The result was that my home became much lighter, even brighter. My mood lightened and the TV didn’t go off and on anymore.

The Message — I’m Sorry

The female spirit, Shirley, a relative, said that she needed to give me a message. That she was sorry for the pain that she had caused me. When I asked her why she treated me badly, she said that it was ego and fear. She was concerned about what others thought. She has since realized that ego, the voice in your head, is not the true self. She has grown on the other side and learned so much.

The Empty Chair

For 13 years Shirley was visiting me in my home, sitting in a chair on the porch. A chair that no one else ever sat in except my mother, when she came to visit. She said that saying I’m sorry was the most important thing that she could do. She knew that I would be tapping into a Medium for help and that she had to just wait for the day.

Forgiveness and Reassurance

I told Shirley that I forgave her and that now I can understand why she was like she was to me. That I also learned from her and I thanked her.

Spilled Coffee –

Shirley said that she accidentally bumped the arm of the Medium when she was getting her morning coffee because she was so excited that she was going to be helping her give her message to me.

I’m sharing these stories to give insights into what may happen when people die. Souls are still with us in different forms. If there is unfinished business, anger, sadness, envy, unforgiveness, or other emotions and issues I have learned that our soul carries them to the other side.

Lessons -

It’s important to live with each other in peace on this ‘earth school’. Forgive and love each other. Watch for the signs. Maybe someone is trying to tell you something.

Do you have a ghost lesson?


Anne Pryor is the creator of Lovitude™ a Soul Painter, and a LinkedIn Expert. As a recognized top international LinkedIn Authority, she motivates audiences to action during her presentation sharing the best tips and techniques for creating branded and search engine optimized LinkedIn profiles for thought leaders, sales, business professionals, and job seekers to achieve their goals.

LinkedIn Keynote speaker presentations include the National Association of Black Journalists, Project Management Institute, WBL, American Marketing Association, ACG, University of South Florida Black Students Association, Toyota Sponsored NABJ Inaugural Leadership Forum, GenesysWorks, Officenters, and hundreds of corporate, community, government events, and meetings.

As the creator of Lovitude and a Soul Painter, her paintings have been called ‘visual blessings and are hanging in Mayo Clinic, a Pulitzer Prize Winner’s home, in galleries, and licensed on products sold globally. She was a featured guest on the Hallmark Channel Home & Family Show, a keynote speaker and faculty on The Shift Network, and presenter at the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS). She has presented at Mayo Clinic, Cargill, HGM CIO Forums, for corporate events, and demonstrates both online and in-person meetings.

She also motivates audiences by sharing “Unblocking Creativity for Healing, and Real-World Transformation with Help from Unseen Helpers”. She was inspired through after-death communications (ADC) with her friend to create vivid images to elucidate, awaken, and activate souls using ink, her breath, and essential oils, on plastic. Anne was not an artist before these messages, she now has 4,000 soul paintings. During her keynote speeches and presentations, she paints live for audiences and they are moved and in awe by the colorful and meaningful messages that she receives from the audience’s energy. Lovitude images are available for licensing. Images grace products sold globally and proceeds go to charity.


When Paradise Speaks Book about Lovitude

Anne Pryor Lovitude Soul Painter on Hallmark Channel

Lovitude Products from Zazzle

Lovitude Products from VIDA

Book Video Trailer

Beyond the Veil Summit

Video The Edge Magazine

License Lovitude Images

Buy Lovitude Products at Zazzle

Buy Lovitude Products at Vida

Order Best Selling Story When Paradise Speaks by Rise Severson Kasmirski


Anne Pryor LinkedIn Profile

Anne Pryor Keynote Speakers Bio

Free Lovitude LinkedIn Backgrounds


The highlighted areas of the text are links to authors, videos, books, and resources. In addition, here is a list of resources that I call upon to guide and advise me:

List of Books compiled by Bill Guggenheim, Anne Pryor, and Rise Kasmirski

Echo Bodine, Global Author, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker

Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist, Speaker

Lori Palm, Creator Core Passion, Purpose Coach

Gina Lake, Author, Channel for Jesus

Carol Lowell, Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Healer

Suzanne Giesemann, Evidential Medium, Master Teacher

Rise Severson Kasmirski, M.A., Mystic, Author, Teacher, Certified Coach, Speaker

Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude Soul Painting, Teacher, LinkedIn Expert, Speaker

Kelly and Steve Wagner, Publishers of The Edge Magazine

Carolyn Vinup, Gateways to Brilliance, Fung Shui Teacher, Sound Healer

Catherine Duncan, Integrative Spiritual Consultant

Carole Hyder, Fung Shui Master

Louise Griffith, Author, Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Coach

#personalgrowth #personaldevelopement #spiritualgrowth #lovitude #ghosts



Anne Pryor, M.A.

LinkedIn Expert, Branding Strategist, Lovitude Soul Painter, Portfolio Careerist, Speaker. I believe we are all connected and here to do good.