Taking the Fear Out of Job Searching for Millennials and Gen Z

Anne Pryor, M.A.
7 min readOct 4, 2023

The views in these newsletters are from my own experiences and learnings and are focused on practical insights and actional tips for creating meaning and purpose in work and life.

In today’s fast-paced job market, job searching can be a daunting task, especially for millennials and Gen Z individuals who are just starting their careers or looking for new opportunities. The fear of rejection, competition, and uncertainty can often hold you back.

I have found that when Gen Zs follow a structured approach and utilize the right tools, they can take the fear out of searching for a job. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process that will not only make your job search more manageable but also increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Step 1: Leveraging LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for job seekers. To kickstart your job search, begin by using creating a complete LinkedIn profile, with a professional photo and keywords and titles that you’re seeking. Next, use the advanced search filters:

1.1 Location

Specify your desired location or locations. Whether you’re looking for local opportunities or considering remote work, LinkedIn can help you find job listings in your preferred areas.

1.2 Job Type

Filter job listings by entry-level, associate, contract, or any other relevant categories based on your career stage and goals.

1.3 Remote Work

If you’re interested in remote positions, use LinkedIn’s “Remote” filter to find opportunities that match your preferences. Other options are Hybrid and Onsite. 60% of companies now want Onsite (at least one day per week).

1.4 Recent Job Postings

To stay updated with the latest job openings, use the “Past 24 hours” filter. This ensures you don’t miss out on fresh opportunities. Also, recruiters want to fill jobs fast, so the first people to apply are 60% more likely to gain an interview. Think about it, hiring managers only carve out 3–5 interview slots on their calendar. By day 15 of the job posting the interview slots are normally filled.

Step 2: Analyzing Job Descriptions

Once you’ve found potential job listings, thoroughly examine the job descriptions. Take note of the required skills and qualifications. If you come across skills you lack, don’t fret. This is an opportunity to enhance your skill set.

Step 3: Utilizing Jobscan.co

Jobscan.co is an invaluable tool for optimizing your job application. Here’s how to use it effectively:

3.1 Job Description Analysis

Copy and paste the job description into Jobscan.co. This tool will highlight the keywords and skills that are crucial for the role you’re applying for.

3.2 Resume Analysis

Next, paste your resume into Jobscan.co. The platform will compare your resume with the job description, giving you a percentage match score.

Step 4: Resume Enhancement

Based on the Jobscan.co analysis, identify areas in your resume that need improvement. Modify your resume to include the highlighted keywords and skills.

Step 5: Resume Customization

Tailor your resume for each job application by adjusting the job title under your name and company name in the summary section to align with the specific role and skills in the job description.

Step 6: Reassessment with Jobscan.co

After making the necessary changes, use Jobscan.co once again to ensure your resume’s match score is above 60%. Maddie went from 32% to 76% by adding more skills and is waiting for great results.

Step 7: Applying for Jobs

When applying for a job, submit your updated resume through the company’s website whenever possible. This ensures your application reaches the right hands. Note, I interviewed Gen Zs and they also said that they used Easy Apply for 100–200 jobs and they did get a few interviews. However, they said that if they really wanted a job they customized their resume prior to applying.

Step 8: Handling Salary Requirements

If the application asks for salary requirements, do your research. Investigate the typical salary range for the position in your desired location and select a range that aligns with industry standards. You might respond by writing back, “I’ve done my research and an associate Data Analyst position in the D.C. market is between $75,000 and $90,000.” Tip: my Dad, a banker, shared that your rent/mortgage should not exceed 30% of your salary. So research housing prior to moving to a new city and negotiating your salary.

Step 9: Personalized Communication

If the job listing provides contact information for a hiring manager or recruiter, reach out with a personalized message via email. Craft an engaging message that expresses your interest in the role, your qualifications, your willingness to discuss further, and your willingness to help them. Attach your resume for their convenience. Tip: always write a P.S. (postscript). This gets read first. I could be something like: P.S. I see we both attended SSU and are basketball athletes. Make it personal and they’ll remember you.

Also, always check your messages on LinkedIn. You might miss an opportunity from a recruiter. Tip: Respond to recruiters via email. They don’t normally use text messaging to communicate. They can’t file the notes in that applicant tracking system.

Step 10: Diversify Your Job Search

To maximize your chances of finding the perfect job, explore various job search websites. Customize your resume for each platform and download it to websites including Indeed, ZipRecruiter, GreenJobs, MarketingJobs, Dice, AnalystJobs, and any other sites that align with your interests and career goals.

Step 11: Cultivating a Positive Mindset

In the midst of a job search, maintaining a positive attitude is paramount. Believe in your capabilities and surround yourself with a support system that shares your belief in your potential. Connect with mentors, peers, and friends who inspire and motivate you. Their encouragement will fuel your confidence and resilience throughout the journey. Remember, a positive mindset not only boosts your morale but also makes you a more attractive candidate to potential employers. Embrace the challenges, stay optimistic, and trust in your ability to find the right opportunity.

Step 12: Establish a Disciplined Approach to Your Job Search

Create a daily routine to ensure your success. You might try to get up earlier, perhaps by 9:00 am go to a local coffee shop with your computer. Plan to be there for 3 hours and apply for at least 10 jobs, following the strategies above. At noon take a walk around the lake/park, then back at it at 1:00 pm until 2:30 pm, making more networking connections with recruiters. At 2:30 pm have a snack, and go exercise. Then at 4:30 pm check your texts, emails, and LinkedIn messages and respond. You see, looking for a job is your job!

In conclusion, job searching can be an intimidating process, but by following these steps and utilizing the tools and resources available to you, you can significantly reduce the fear associated with it. Remember that persistence and adaptability are key in today’s job market. Keep refining your approach, clarifying your titles and goals, networking, and enhancing your skills to increase your chances of landing your ideal job. Your dream job is out there, and with the right strategy, you’ll be well on your way to achieving it.

You’ve got this! Now, go to the coffee shop armed with this information and apply for jobs!

Annie and Maddie

Maddie Pryor

These tips were created and tested by Maddie Pryor, and Annie Pryor (Maddie’s Aunt). Maddie is a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in Economics, Public Policy, and Entrepreneurship. She is seeking entry-level and associate positions including data analytics, financial analysis, research analyst, user experience design, and other statistical positions with companies in the Eastern US and Sydney. We practiced these steps during a recent vacation to Kauai where we celebrated her college graduation, learned to surf, enjoyed kayaking and hiking in the forest, and just chilled together (hard for me to do!).

Anne Pryor is the creator of Lovitude™ a Soul Painter, and a LinkedIn Expert. As a recognized top international LinkedIn Strategist, she motivates audiences to action during her presentation sharing the best tips and techniques for creating branded and search-engine-optimized LinkedIn profiles for thought leaders, sales, business professionals, and job seekers to achieve their goals.

Anne is a LinkedIn Keynote speaker her presentations include the National Association of Black Journalists, Project Management Institute, WBL, American Marketing Association, ACG, University of South Florida Black Students Association, Toyota Sponsored NABJ Inaugural Leadership Forum, GenesysWorks, Officenters, and hundreds of corporate, community, government events, and meetings.

#genz #youngpeoplejobsearch #collegegraduates

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Anne Pryor, M.A.

LinkedIn Strategist and Sales Trainer, Speaker, Lovitude® Soul Painter 🟣 Building Purposeful Executive LinkedIn Profiles, Pages and Strategies to Look Great, Be Found & Get Known™ and Make Connections that Matter

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76 articles

Job Seekers and Parents of recent and upcoming college graduates — no need to panic — share these proven tips for job search from Madeline Pryor, a recent University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill graduate, and me (her Aunt). These tips will help take the fear out of the job search and create a process to follow. Reach out for additional advice. Please repost for others to see. #genz #jobsearch #collegegraduates #nofear



Anne Pryor, M.A.

LinkedIn Expert, Branding Strategist, Lovitude Soul Painter, Portfolio Careerist, Speaker. I believe we are all connected and here to do good.