The Two Caring Questions That Will Change Everything

Anne Pryor, M.A.
8 min readMay 7, 2022

The views in this article are from my own experiences and learnings and are focused on practical insights and actional tips for creating meaning and purpose in work & life.

Over the past 15 years, I have been on a personal and spiritual development journey. During this past year, I’ve been in Wisdom School. I have learned many fascinating tools, methods, and deep insights that I’d like to share with those that are open (see Newsletter 1). I wish I would have learned these insights much earlier in my life.

On my journey and in doing my ‘work’ I have experienced many unexplainable phenomena that you may or may not resonate with, yet.

Some concepts will be very new and seem unusual to you. If you are reading this you have been called to do so. If you keep reading then you are on your path and desire to experience more.

I will use this LinkedIn Newsletter to share my stories — take what resonates and leave the rest. No need to judge, just be with the words. They may trigger thoughts and experiences for you. Enjoy the journey


Are you experiencing something new? My clients and friends are undergoing major transitions — starting new jobs, getting new bosses, transitioning into different teams, coming back into the office, dating for the first time in years, divorcing, and establishing new relationships. During these times of learning to ‘dance’ together and testing who is leading and who is following, there are many missteps and toes can get hurt.


I have experimented with many ‘onboarding’ and trust-building methods, and there are some very good ones. During this process I have found these ‘2 caring questions’ have quickly changed working and life relationships for good:


#1 — How do you want the job done?

#2 — What can I do to make your job/life easier?


A client bumped into me in the grocery store last week and I asked how things were going. He said that he just got another new boss and things started out a bit rocky. I didn’t need to know more but I said — promise me in the next meeting ask your boss The Two Caring Questions:

#1 — How do you want the job done?

#2 — What can I do to make your job/life easier?


The response that I received the next day is similar to many responses that I get after people ask these questions.

“Anne, I kept my promise to you and asked The Two Caring Questions you guided me to ask my boss. Anne, I must say you are a genius! I had not only the opportunity to ask my boss 1) How would you like the work done? and 2) How can I make your life easier? I also had the opportunity to ask his boss those same questions. Both encounters produced remarkable results!

Here’s what happened. When I first asked my boss’ boss those questions, he was super quick to share how I could immediately help him. He sincerely appreciated it and it was a great confirmation of my role.

Then I asked my new boss those questions in our second weekly meeting. Well, he was so taken aback that our 20-minute meeting lasted two hours. He invited me to a seat at the table to help him create our department vision and new product plan. I felt like we established trust, alignment, and a collaborative commitment to working together to accomplish his goals and the goals of his boss.

I am so grateful that you made me promise to ask those caring questions. When you challenged me with those actions, I could feel, in my chest, your message resonating. It was simply amazing.”


What happened in that real-life story? My client led with his heart. The questions were focused on listening to and helping his boss, held with an intention of love, care, concern, sincerity, and mutual success. My client was self-aware. He was willing to ask, allow and accept any outcome. He was not as concerned about himself only about how he could help.


Did you know that your heart has a brain? I practice and teach the 3 Brain Model by George Gurdjieff, philosopher, mystic, spiritual teacher, and composer. He taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic “waking sleep” and that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential. This awakening happens when we activate the 3 brains: Intellect/Head, Movement/Body, and Emotion/Heart centers.

Many of us spend most days in the Head. The client above activated his heart. He felt the love in his heart when I challenged him to promise to ask The Two Caring Questions. Have you ever felt this? Knowing that something was true, right, and you felt the vibration somewhere in your body?

I didn’t tell the client to hold the intent of collaboration, love, and kindness when asking the questions. However, I know that the reason the bosses responded so positively was because of the intention of love and care underneath The Two Caring Questions.


1. Which of these 3 brains are you overusing? What can you do to activate the brain that needs help? When will you do it?

2. TRY THE 5As — The 5As are a simple activation process that was ‘downloaded’ to me in a dream. They are:

1) ASK — be willing to ask for the information or connection that you desire

2) ALLOW — the message in whatever form it comes

3) ACCEPT — the message as it is

4) APPRECIATE — be grateful for the connection and the message

5) ACT — on the insights or information received


Try these questions at work and in your personal life. My partner asks me these questions each day and there are no surprises, our days go well and we do the jobs and activities the way we both want them done. It doesn’t always work, but we keep asking and sharing.

#1 — How do you want the job done?

#2 — What can I do to make your job/life easier?

In the next newsletters, I will be sharing insights, tips, and models that have helped me in the process to deepen my gifts and connect with unseen helpers, which may help you. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Thank you for doing your work. If you liked this newsletter please connect, subscribe, share, comment, or reach out to me at

Let me know what happens when you ask The Two Caring Questions.



P.S. Anne and Risë would love to help your corporate teams to Unblock Creativity for Innovation, Healing, and Transformation. Contact

BIOS — Anne Pryor is the creator of Lovitude™ a Soul Painter, a LinkedIn Expert, and an After-Death Communications Speaker. As a recognized top international LinkedIn Authority, she motivates audiences to action during her presentation sharing the best tips and techniques for creating branded and search engine optimized LinkedIn profiles for thought leaders, sales, business professionals, and job seekers to achieve their goals.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER — LinkedIn Keynote speaker presentations include the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Project Management Institute, WBL, American Marketing Association, ACG, University of South Florida Black Students Association, Toyota Sponsored NABJ Inaugural Leadership Forum, GenesysWorks, Officenters, and hundreds of corporate, community events, and meetings.

LOVITUDE SOUL PAINTER — As the creator of Lovitude and a Soul Painter, her paintings have been called ‘visual blessings and are hanging in Mayo Clinic, a Pulitzer Prize Winner’s home, in galleries, and licensed on products sold globally. She was a featured guest on the Hallmark Channel Home & Family Show, a keynote speaker and faculty on The Shift Network, and presenter at the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS). She has presented at Mayo Clinic, Cargill, HGM CIO Forums, for corporate events, and demonstrates both online and in-person meetings.

She and Risë Kasmirski inspire audiences by sharing “How to Unblock and Trust Spiritual Messages for Creativity, Healing, and Real-World Transformation”. She was inspired through after-death communications (ADC) with her friend to create vivid images to elucidate, awaken, and activate souls using ink, her breath, and essential oils, on plastic. Anne was not an artist before these messages, she now has 3,500 Lovitude Soul Paintings.

LIVE PRESENTATIONS AND DEMOS -During her presentations, she paints live for audiences and they are moved and in awe by the colorful and meaningful messages that she receives from the audience’s energy. Lovitude images are available for licensing. Images grace products sold globally and proceeds go to charity.

Risë Severson Kasmirski, MA, is a mystic, author, and founder of RightPath Careers, an executive career, and life-coaching firm. Before founding her company, she worked in the corporate world in executive sales, marketing, and training. Risë shares their story in her book When Paradise Speaks.


When Paradise Speaks Book about Lovitude

The Shift Network Course: Unblock Creativity for Healing & Transformation with Help from Beyond — Anne Pryor and Risë Kasmirski

Anne Pryor Lovitude Soul Painter on Hallmark Channel

Lovitude Products from Zazzle

Lovitude Products from VIDA

Book Video Trailer

Beyond the Veil Summit

Video The Edge Magazine

License Lovitude Images

Buy Lovitude Products at Zazzle

Buy Lovitude Products at Vida

Order Best Selling Story When Paradise Speaks by Risë Severson Kasmirski



Anne Pryor LinkedIn Profile

Anne Pryor Keynote Speakers Bio

Free Lovitude LinkedIn Backgrounds


The highlighted areas of the text are links to authors, videos, books, and resources. In addition, here is a list of resources that I call upon to guide and advise me:

List of Books compiled by Bill Guggenheim, Anne Pryor, and Risë Kasmirski

Risë Severson Kasmirski, M.A., Mystic, Author, Teacher, Certified Coach, Speaker

Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude™ Soul Painter, Teacher, LinkedIn Expert, Speaker

Echo Bodine, Global Author, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker

Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist, Speaker

Lori Palm, Creator Core Passion, Purpose Coach

Gina Lake, Author, Channel for Jesus

Carol Lowell, Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Healer

Missy Reno Smith, Medium, Artist, Psychic

Suzanne Giesemann, Evidential Medium, Master Teacher

Kelly and Steve Wagner, Publishers of The Edge Magazine

Carolyn Vinup, Gateways to Brilliance, Fung Shui Teacher, Sound Healer

Catherine Duncan, Integrative Spiritual Consultant

Carole Hyder, Fung Shui Master

Louise Griffith, Author, Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Coach

#personalgrowth #personaldevelopement #spiritualgrowth #lovitude Wes Hamilton Lori Palm Echo Bodine Risë Kasmirski, MA, CPPC Kelly Wagner Carole J. Hyder Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC Carolyn Vinup Steve Wagner

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LinkedIn Expert, Sales Trainer, Speaker, Lovitude® Soul Painter 🟣 Create Meaningful Work & Life 🟣 Build Purposeful LinkedIn Presence & Strategies to Look Great, Be Found & Get Known & Make Meaningful Connections



Anne Pryor, M.A.

LinkedIn Expert, Branding Strategist, Lovitude Soul Painter, Portfolio Careerist, Speaker. I believe we are all connected and here to do good.