Anne Pryor, M.A.
9 min readJun 15, 2023


Spirits Ask for Help Through The Photographs

“Unseen Connections: The Power of Spirit Healing in Old Photographs”

Caution: This newsletter delves into the realm of spirit communication. If you are skeptical or fearful, proceed with an open mind.

Welcome to another edition of my newsletter, where I share practical insights and actionable tips for finding meaning and purpose in all aspects of life, including the afterlife.

As a LinkedIn strategist, Lovitude™ Soul Painter, and someone deeply connected to the spiritual realm, I guide clients in discovering their purpose to attract fulfilling work and a more meaningful existence. My continuous growth and experiences allow me to share valuable knowledge and help others explore the possibilities that lie beyond our physical existence. If you have been following my previous newsletters, you’ll know that my journey has led me to explore and communicate with spirits after their physical passing.


The past five months have brought about significant changes in my life. With the role of Trustee, I have been entrusted with overseeing decisions related to my father’s estate, my mother’s well-being, communication with my brothers, and the handling of various matters. While I am no expert or attorney, having served as a Trustee three times in different states has given me a unique perspective.

Tip: Choose a Trustee wisely, one who will honor your wishes rather than theirs.


During the past few months, I have been sorting through my father’s belongings, particularly the treasures from his office. Among them was a special painting that had adorned the wall above his typewriter for over 28 years. This painting, purchased by my dad for a mere $50 in 1996, had a local watercolorist as its creator.


That painting seemed to speak to me in a way that defies explanation. Have you ever experienced the feeling of repeatedly looking at something and being compelled to pause and examine it more closely? It is as if a whisper reaches your ears, only to vanish just as quickly. That is precisely what happened to me over the course of five months as I gazed upon that painting.

The image depicted the Redwood Falls High School as it stood in 1996 — a place where both my father and I had attended school. The building has since been torn down and replaced with a beautiful senior housing complex.


One day, I decided to remove the painting from the wall and place it on a table in the porch. Coincidentally, I stumbled upon the photograph that had served as the inspiration for the watercolor masterpiece. The black and white photograph, preserved in a plastic frame, measured 8x10 inches.

While I desired to keep the watercolor painting, I knew that the artist’s daughter would cherish it even more.


Positioning the black and white photo beneath the watercolor, I snapped a picture with my iPhone, intending to send it via instant message to the artist’s daughter. When I reviewed the photo in my phone’s picture gallery, I was astounded. I looked at it three times, unable to believe my eyes.

The black and white photo acted as a backdrop, showcasing a woman with short hair and a pointed chin, looking downward. In the top right corner, a small square image measuring about 3 inches displayed a left hand adorned with numerous rings, draped over what appeared to be a large coat.

Additionally, I noticed a face in the lower right window that bore a striking resemblance to my father as a young boy. Lastly, a streak of light streamed from the top left window, casting its glow upon the street. I encountered a similar phenomenon in previous photographs. Can you see what I see?

Redwood Falls High School Watercolor Painting and Black and White Photos Depicting the Spirits


Without delay, I shared the photo with the artist’s daughter, who promptly recognized her grandmother as the woman with short hair and her mother’s hand adorned with rings. The image carried a profound story about the rings and their significance in her mother’s relationship with her siblings — a story her grandmother had shared with her in a dream the night she received the photo. The art and photographs conveyed numerous messages that could potentially aid in the healing of her and her family. Such is the power of art.


Eager to explore the spirits that seemed to inhabit the old school captured in the photo, I reached out to my psychic guide and seasoned medium, Carol Lowell. Carol revealed that many spirits were trapped within the confines of the old school, their hearts heavy with sadness and fear.

She instructed me to visit the location of the school, sit across the street, open my heart, and send love and prayers to God, Jesus, the Archangels, and the spirits’ guides and angels. She encouraged me to fearlessly approach the spirits and offer my assistance.

Taking her advice, I engaged in heartfelt conversations with them, sharing my past encounters with ghosts and listening intently for any messages they might convey. I invited the spirits to form a line, if they felt comfortable, to hold hands, gaze upward, and witness the light and their guiding helpers.

Afterward, I asked for a sign and requested their support for my family while wishing them a bright new beginning. Although I did not experience any immediate sensations or visuals, I remained open to their response.

After approximately 30 minutes, I urged them to grant me a sign before continuing with my task of clearing out my parents’ home.

That afternoon, as I drove my car toward the post office, a mere block away from the old school, I witnessed a breathtaking sight. Eleven large black birds flew in perfect formation directly above my car, then vanished from sight. Could this be the sign I had asked for? Could there have been 11 spirits that crossed over?

11 Black Birds Flying in Formation — My Sign


When engaging with spirits that have not yet crossed over, it is vital to approach the situation with respect, caution, and an open mind. Here are five tips for communicating with spirits:

1. Set your intention: Clearly establish your intention before attempting to communicate with spirits. Open your heart, express love, and peace, and make it known that you seek positive and helpful interactions. Let them know you are here to assist them in crossing over and that all will be well, and that they are loved unconditionally.

2. Create a serene environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space devoid of distractions. Dim the lights, light a candle, and play soft, soothing music if it helps create a peaceful atmosphere. A calm environment enhances communication clarity.

3. Ground yourself and seek protection: Before initiating spirit communication, ground yourself by visualizing roots extending from your feet into the earth, stabilizing your energy. Envision a shield of white God / Jesus light surrounding you, acting as a protective barrier against negative or unwanted energies.

4. Utilize divination tools: Tools such as rosary beads, pendulums, prayer cards, holy water, and crystals can aid in spirit communication by providing a symbolic language for conveying messages. Ensure you follow proper guidelines and instructions, using them respectfully and cautiously to guarantee your safety.

5. Seek permission and trust your intuition: Always ask for permission to help the spirits. You may sense a breeze or feel a shift in energy. Trust your intuition during spirit communication, paying attention to subtle impressions, feelings, or mental images that arise. Spirits often communicate non-verbally, using emotions, signs, or symbols. Trust the information you receive and use your discernment to interpret their messages.

Express gratitude to God, Jesus, angels, guides, past loved ones, and the spirits for their messages. Spirit communication is a multifaceted and intricate experience, demanding responsibility, and mindfulness. If you feel overwhelmed or encounter heavy energies, it’s wise to pause and seek guidance from experienced spiritual practitioners or mediums. I have provided a list of reputable mediums that I have personally used in the resources below. Feel free to reach out if you require a recommendation.

Through my spiritual journey, I have discovered the diverse energy dimensions that coexist within our earthly realm. Spirits yearn to communicate, help us, and seek our assistance. By keeping our eyes and heart open, we may just uncover profound messages from loved ones or others who want to communicate with us through old photographs.

Share any stories or photos that you may have.

With Lovitude,


Anne Pryor is the creator of Lovitude™ a Soul Painter, and a LinkedIn Expert. As a recognized top international LinkedIn Strategist, she motivates audiences to action during her presentation sharing the best tips and techniques for creating branded and search-engine-optimized LinkedIn profiles for thought leaders, sales, business professionals, and job seekers to achieve their goals.

Anne is a LinkedIn Keynote speaker her presentations include the National Association of Black Journalists, Project Management Institute, WBL, American Marketing Association, ACG, University of South Florida Black Students Association, Toyota Sponsored NABJ Inaugural Leadership Forum, GenesysWorks, Officenters, and hundreds of corporate, community, government events, and meetings.

As the creator of Lovitude and a Soul Painter, her paintings have been called ‘visual blessings and are hanging in Mayo Clinic, a Pulitzer Prize Winner’s home, in galleries, licensed on products sold globally, and currently in Lund’s Byerlys in Minnesota. She was a featured guest on the Hallmark Channel Home & Family Show, a keynote speaker and faculty on The Shift Network, and presenter at the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS). She has presented at Mayo Clinic, Cargill, and HGM CIO Forums, for corporate events, and demonstrates both online and in-person meetings.

She also motivates audiences through her co-created course with Risë Severson Kasmirski, award-winning author of “When Paradise Speaks, called “Unblocking Creativity for Healing, and Real-World Transformation with Help from Unseen Helpers” (sign up for this online course by clicking the link). She was inspired through after-death communications (ADC) with her friend to create vivid images to elucidate, awaken, and activate souls using ink, her breath, and essential oils, on plastic. Anne was not an artist before these messages, she now has more than 4,500 soul paintings, which may be purchased at Everett and Charlie Gallery in Minneapolis. During her keynote speeches and presentations, she paints live for audiences and they are moved and in awe by the colorful and meaningful messages that she receives from the audience’s energy. She and Risë also provide a coaching program called Awakening Spirit. Lovitude images are available for licensing. Images grace products sold globally and proceeds go to charity.


When Paradise Speaks Book about Lovitude

Anne Pryor Lovitude Soul Painter on Hallmark Channel

Lovitude Products from Zazzle

Lovitude Products from VIDA

Book Video Trailer

Beyond the Veil Summit

Video The Edge Magazine

License Lovitude Images

Buy Lovitude Products at Zazzle

Buy Lovitude Products at Vida

Order Best Selling Story When Paradise Speaks by Rise Severson Kasmirski

Cool Meditation Tool — N.O.W. by Solu


Anne Pryor LinkedIn Profile

Anne Pryor Keynote Speakers Bio

Free Lovitude LinkedIn Backgrounds


The highlighted areas of the text are links to authors, videos, books, and resources. In addition, here is a list of resources that I call upon to guide and advise me:

List of Books compiled by Bill Guggenheim, Anne Pryor, and Risë Kasmirski

Rise Severson Kasmirski, M.A., Mystic, Author, Teacher, Certified Coach, Speaker

Anne Pryor, M.A., Lovitude Soul Painting, Teacher, LinkedIn Expert, Speaker

Echo Bodine, Global Author, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker

Carol Lowell, Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Healer

Ainslie McCleod, Past Life Regression Expert, Author, Artist

Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist, Speaker

Lori Palm, Creator Core Passion, Purpose Coach

Gina Lake, Author, Channel for Jesus

Cyndi Dale, Author, Intuitive, Healer, Global Shift Network Faculty

Suzanne Giesemann, Evidential Medium, Master Teacher

Kelly and Steve Wagner, Publishers of The Edge Magazine

Carolyn Vinup, Gateways to Brilliance, Fung Shui Teacher, Sound Healer

Catherine Duncan, Integrative Spiritual Consultant

Carole Hyder, Fung Shui Master

Louise Griffith, Author, Psychologist, Keynote Speaker, Coach

#afterdeathcommunications #soulwork #thanks #lightworker



Anne Pryor, M.A.

LinkedIn Expert, Branding Strategist, Lovitude Soul Painter, Portfolio Careerist, Speaker. I believe we are all connected and here to do good.